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No license (express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise) to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document.Intel disclaims all express and implied warranties, including without...
View ArticleMicrosoft* Visual Studio* IDE: vs-android Enabling for Android* Targets
This topic applies to C++ Windows* OS only.You can use Microsoft* Visual Studio* IDE to build Android C/C++ applications only if you integrate the IDE with a third-party plugin called vs-android. The...
View ArticleC++ templates program compiles on linux but not on windows
Hello,the following example code uses templates and user defined conversion. It compiles and run correctly on linux using Intel Composer XE 2013 : template <typename TYPE> class Adult { public :...
View ArticleIPP for CoreI7/Haswell
Hello,Currently we are working with Intel Compiler 11.1/064 (Linux version)Can you tell if the IPP in this version is optimized for CoreI7/Haswell architecture ?Best regards,Z.V
View ArticleAdditional sections introduced when compiling with Optimizations
I'm currently working on a Windows application, developed in C++ using Visual Studio and the Intel C++ 15.1 compiler.It would appear that when I compile with any kind of optimizations, a few additional...
View Articlecodecov with inline functions
Hi,I have a C++ library with a set of unit tests that exercise the functions and classes in the library. I'm attempting to use codecov to give some feedback on the percentage of the library that is...
View ArticleInvalid handling of newlines in raw string literals
Given the following test code compiled with Intel C++ Compiler XE 14.0#include "stdafx.h" #include <iostream> using namespace std; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { auto raw = LR"(1 2)";...
View Article": internal error: 010101_1
I'm trying to compile Chombo on Mac OS X using the Intel compiler, however mcpcom fails after ~10 seconds, giving only the following error message": internal error: 010101_1This occurs whenever I try...
View Articleicpc: loop condition false inside the loop
I have been trying to debug a code for the last two weeks, and I have narrowed it down to this simple code which reproduces the issue.#include <cassert> template <class T> class Vector{...
View Articleerror MSB6006: "icl.exe" exited with code 2.
Out of the blue I'm getting the following error"1>C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Platforms\x64\PlatformToolsets\Intel C++ Compiler XE 15.0\Toolset.targets(357,5): error...
View Articleicpc 15 - Compiling Intrinsics
Hi All,I installed the latest release of icpc for Linux (v15) and it seems that intrinsics header files are missing (typically in <composer>/compiler/include). If I try to compile avx code...
View ArticleIntel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Update1 for Windows - Installation Problem
Hello,When I tried to install the latest Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 Update 1 on my laptop, it got stuck in loading files (please see the attached picture). I should kill 'setup.exe' and 'chklic.exe'...
View ArticleBuilding Qt 5 with Intel C++ under Windows
Hi everybody!Has anyone succeeded in building Qt 5 with the Intel C++ compiler on Windows lately?Over the past few months, I have tried to build several versions of Qt 5, including the latest 5.4.0,...
View ArticleCan't select individual files to use Intel C++ in VS2012, only whole solution
So here's the issue I'm facing:No available option to select Intel C++ on individual file:Or on grouping:But it IS available for the whole solution:If I make a new project though, I can select Intel...
View ArticleCan I use icl as cross compiler on windows for linux compiling?
And can Intel C++ Compiler Linux Eclipse integration be used on Windows eclipse?
View Article[VS 2012 / XE 2013-15] Broken incremental build & broken BasePlatformToolset
Hello, With VisualStudio 2012, incremental build does not work. xilink always forces rebuild :msbuild /v:d /p:Configuration=Release;VisualStudioVersion=11.0Forcing rebuild of all source files due to a...
View ArticleMSW, static library link, compilation consuming static library options mismatch
When I link static library into my project with different options (e.g. openmp enable, and other settings) I get following error message on link (consumer of statically linked library):2> Option...
View Articleicpc: error #10106: Fatal error in...
Translation unit produced when compiling Firefox:$ icpc -std=c++11 -w0 -O3 -c icpc-sig136.ii icpc: error #10106: Fatal error in /opt/intel/composer_xe_2015.1.133/bin/intel64/mcpcom, terminated by...
View ArticleIntel 12 Floating Point Optimization -- complex
I am compiling the following code with icpc 12.1.2 20111128 as on RHEL6 64-bit.> icpc -O2 -ansi_alias -fPIC> ./a.out (6.95323e-310,0) (5.5, 6.6)Both results should be (5.5, 6.6).Here is...
View ArticleWindows equivalent of -Wuninitialized
How do I do the equivalent of -Wuninitialized on Windows?Also I would like to make the usage of unitialized and error. Can I do that?
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