Channel: Intel® C++ Compiler
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C++ templates program compiles on linux but not on windows



the following example code uses templates and user defined conversion. It compiles and run correctly on linux using Intel Composer XE 2013 :

    template <typename TYPE>
    class Adult {
    public :
    	Adult(TYPE years): age(years) {};

    	TYPE getAge() const {
    		return age;

    private :
    	TYPE age;

    template <typename TYPE>
    class Child {
    public :
    	Child(TYPE years): age(years) {};

    	TYPE getAge() const {
    		return age;

    private :
    	TYPE age;

	template <typename TYPE, template <typename T> class PERSON=Child >
    class Human: public PERSON<TYPE> {
    	Human(TYPE years): PERSON<TYPE>(years){};

        operator Human<TYPE, Child>() const {
		    Human<TYPE, Child> res(this->getAge());
		   return res;

    	TYPE getBirth(TYPE current) const {
    		return (current - this->getAge());

int test() {

	Human<int,Adult> daddy(30);

	Human<int,Child> toto = daddy; // error : type "Child<TYPE>::Child [with TYPE=int]" is not a class template

	int birthDate = toto.getBirth(2014);

	return birthDate;

int main() {
	std::cout << "\n--[Athena,"<< test() << "] "; std::cout.flush();

On Windows, with the same compiler, an error occurs :

test.cpp(43): error : type "Child<TYPE>::Child [with TYPE=int]" is not a class template
test.cpp(43): error : type "Child<TYPE>::Child [with TYPE=int]" is not a class template
            operator Human<TYPE, Child>() const {
            operator Human<TYPE, Child>() const {
            detected during instantiation of class "Human<TYPE, PERSON> [with TYPE=int, PERSON=Child]" at line 59
            detected during instantiation of class "Human<TYPE, PERSON> [with TYPE=int, PERSON=Child]" at line 59


Is there any restriction on template use on windows ? Or does the compiler need some option enabled ?


Descargartest.cpp1.29 KB

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