the following example code uses templates and user defined conversion. It compiles and run correctly on linux using Intel Composer XE 2013 :
template <typename TYPE> class Adult { public : Adult(TYPE years): age(years) {}; TYPE getAge() const { return age; } private : TYPE age; }; template <typename TYPE> class Child { public : Child(TYPE years): age(years) {}; TYPE getAge() const { return age; } private : TYPE age; }; template <typename TYPE, template <typename T> class PERSON=Child > class Human: public PERSON<TYPE> { public: Human(TYPE years): PERSON<TYPE>(years){}; operator Human<TYPE, Child>() const { Human<TYPE, Child> res(this->getAge()); return res; }; TYPE getBirth(TYPE current) const { return (current - this->getAge()); } }; int test() { Human<int,Adult> daddy(30); Human<int,Child> toto = daddy; // error : type "Child<TYPE>::Child [with TYPE=int]" is not a class template int birthDate = toto.getBirth(2014); return birthDate; } int main() { std::cout << "\n--[Athena,"<< test() << "] "; std::cout.flush(); }
On Windows, with the same compiler, an error occurs :
test.cpp(43): error : type "Child<TYPE>::Child [with TYPE=int]" is not a class template
test.cpp(43): error : type "Child<TYPE>::Child [with TYPE=int]" is not a class template
operator Human<TYPE, Child>() const {
operator Human<TYPE, Child>() const {
detected during instantiation of class "Human<TYPE, PERSON> [with TYPE=int, PERSON=Child]" at line 59
detected during instantiation of class "Human<TYPE, PERSON> [with TYPE=int, PERSON=Child]" at line 59
Is there any restriction on template use on windows ? Or does the compiler need some option enabled ?