Stores with conversion of int64 vector. Corresponding instruction is VMOVDQA64
. This intrinsic only applies to Intel® Many Integrated Core Architecture (Intel® MIC Architecture).
Without Mask extern void __cdecl _mm512_extstore_epi64(void* mt, __m512i v1, _MM_DOWNCONV_EPI64_ENUM conv, int hint); |
With Mask extern void __cdecl _mm512_mask_extstore_epi64(void* mt, __mmask8 k1, __m512i v1, _MM_DOWNCONV_EPI64_ENUM conv, int hint); |
Converts 64-bit integer elements of the int64 vector v1
to a smaller type, specified by the conv parameter, and stores converted elements to the memory address mt with non-temporal hint hint. The type and the size of elements stored to memory depend on the parameter conv .
In the masked variant, only those elements with the corresponding bit set in vector mask k1
are converted and stored to memory. Elements in the destination memory vector with the corresponding bit clear in k1
retain their previous value.