Is it a GDB bug or Intel Compiler bug or my code?
I am using Intel's ICC compiler for NetBSD system. I have been fighting with a bug, and got surprised even more when I observed that from the core dump - address of a symbol from two different...
View ArticleFMA illegal instruction
Dear Intel developers,I'm using Intel 15 on Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2670 processor. I have a problem using FMA instrinsic instruction. My compiler flags are -O3 -xHost. Compilation ends well but when I...
View Articleicpc -mmic error; ipo: warning #11010: file format not recognized
[root@amax src]# make -f Makefile.pthreads all /opt/intel/bin/icpc -O3 -funroll-loops -opt-prefetch -fpermissive -fno-exceptions -pthread -D_GNU_SOURCE -D__XOPEN_SOURCE=600 -c pthreads.cpp...
View ArticleIntel C++ 2016: Constructor and Destructor in unnamed union will be called.
class Optional{ public: union { Value m_value; ///< should be uninitialized ! But Intel Compiler will Constructor and Destructor here! }; };Intel C++ 2016 will call Constructor and Destructor for...
View ArticleInstalling 15.0 update 2 on Centos 6.5 x64
Hi,In previous versions installing icc onto a x64 Centos was a matter of making sure the 32 bit libs were installed. I've just installed compat-libstdc++-296.i686 and compat-libstdc++-33.i686 (with...
View ArticleWhy doesn't the c++ compiler generate non-temporal moves in this example?
I'm running this benchmark with intel c++ compiler 2016 using these flags "icc -std=c++11 -xHost -O3 main.cpp" #include <chrono> #include <random> #include <iostream> #include...
View Articleicpc 16.0 OSX 10.10.3 bug
Hi The following program fails using icpc 16.0 on OSX 10.10.3cat test.cxx #include <iostream> int main() { return 1;...
View ArticleFailure when using profile guided optimizations on OSX
For the I tried to use profile guided optimizations and after about an hour of compiling (it's a big project), this is what I got:0 0x10da73b51 __assert_rtn + 144 1 0x10dad99fb...
View ArticleMIC obj file compilation with .cpp file
I have a "C" file will all function that will run in MIC platform. Hence I have added __declspec( target (mic)) for all the function in both declaration spmv_csr.h file and definition in spmv_csr.c...
View ArticleDiagnostic 36028: Function xxxx offloaded to MIC using _Cilk_offload
Diagnostic message: Function xxxx offloaded to MIC using _Cilk_offloadThank you for your interest in this diagnostic message. We are still in the process of documenting this specific diagnostic.Please...
View ArticleDiagnostic 15525: call to function 'xxxx' is serialized
Diagnostic message: call to function 'xxxx' is serializedThank you for your interest in this diagnostic message. We are still in the process of documenting this specific diagnostic.Please let us know...
View ArticleDiagnostic 15413: expression xxxx should be reduction
Diagnostic message: expression xxxx should be reductionThank you for your interest in this diagnostic message. We are still in the process of documenting this specific diagnostic.Please let us know of...
View ArticleDiagnostic 15395: The function 'xxxx' declared as vector function in one...
Diagnostic message: The function 'xxxx' declared as vector function in one module does not have prototype in another module.Thank you for your interest in this diagnostic message. We are still in the...
Diagnostic message: PARALLEL TASKQ CONSTRUCT WAS PARALLELIZEDThank you for your interest in this diagnostic message. We are still in the process of documenting this specific diagnostic.Please let us...
View ArticleDiagnostic 17105: parallel dependence: proven xxxx dependence between xxxx...
Diagnostic message: parallel dependence: proven xxxx dependence between xxxx line , and xxxx line Thank you for your interest in this diagnostic message. We are still in the process of documenting...
View ArticleDiagnostic 15328: xxxx was not vectorized: vector type could not be determined
Diagnostic message: xxxx was not vectorized: vector type could not be determinedThank you for your interest in this diagnostic message. We are still in the process of documenting this specific...
View ArticleDiagnostic 15305: xxxx was not vectorized: automatic parallelization already...
Diagnostic message: xxxx was not vectorized: automatic parallelization already appliedThank you for your interest in this diagnostic message. We are still in the process of documenting this specific...
View ArticleDiagnostic 13372: Cannot allocate registers for routine. This problem can be...
Diagnostic message: Cannot allocate registers for routine. This problem can be caused by excessive use of the force_register feature or by a gnu-style inline assembly instruction with excess register...
View ArticleRegarding segmentation violation signal raised Access violation or stack...
I am trying to compile hdf-4.2.11 for rhel 6; i have compiled required dependencies for hdf like zlib jpeg and szip using icc & ifort; The configure script of HDF4 ran successfully , CC=$CCOMP...
View Articleicc linking issue
I am creating a dynamic library in linux. below is the command that was used icpc -shared -o ************** -static-intel -mkl -Wl,--start-group -lmkl_intel -lmkl_intel_thread -lmkl_core -liomp5...
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