crash with c++ compiler 15
When compiling the attached program with icc -O3 -fp-model fast=2 -xCORE-AVX2 -fma -c -S mandel_cilk.cpp I get ": internal error: 20000_3650". From...
View ArticleC++ std::threads are causing exceptions on process shutdown
Hey,I have the following issues that can be represented by both those 2...
View ArticleBuilding OpenCV 3.0 based embedded application using Intel® System Studio 2015
To Download this article : Building OpenCV using Intel System Studio.pdf (452 KB)IntroductionWe describe how to use Intel® System Studio 2015 to build the OpenCV 3.0 based embedded application on...
View ArticleIntrinsic Allocation (MIC)
So i am trying to allocate an array of aligned memory on the MIC like this#pragma offload_attribute(push, target(mic)) #include <iostream> #include <omp.h> #include <ipp.h> #include...
View ArticleOpen Source Downloads
This article makes available third-party libraries, executables and sources that were used in the creation of Intel® Software Development Products or are required for operation of those. Intel provides...
View ArticleAVX2 intrinsic _mm256_blendv_epi8 documentation lists incorrect type for mask...
In the User and Reference Guide for the Intel® C++ Compiler 15.0; the prototype for _mm256_blendv_epi8 is listed as having a const int mask argument:
View ArticleICC xe 2015 + MSVC 2013: GUI: "compiler optimization report" tab is empty
Greetings,I have 2 projects in my solution, but when I press F7 to build, new "compiler optimization report" tab is empty window with only header line.Any suggestions?
View Article_mm256_shuffle_epi8 documentation has incomplete pseudocode
The User and Reference Guide for the Intel C++ Compiler 15.0 has incomplete pseudocode for the AVX2 intrinsics _mm256_shuffle_epi8: (i = 0; i < 16;...
View Article英特尔® 至强融核™ 协处理器(代号 “Knights Landing”)— 应用就绪
为了将来在英特尔® 至强™ 处理器和英特尔® 至强融核™ 协处理器(代号 Knights Landing)上实现部分应用就绪,开发人员主要希望从两个方面改进工作负载:矢量化/代码生成线程并行性本文主要讨论矢量化/代码生成,并介绍了一些有用的线程并行工具和资源。1) 矢量化英特尔® 高级矢量扩展指令集 512 (英特尔® AVX-512)首先在处理器和协处理器上部署,而且未来可以在 Knights...
View Articlexilink always forcing rebuild (change in the command line)
Hello,I am using Intel Composer XE SP1 Update 4 for Windows. To compile my project, I use :call "%VS110COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat" msbuild /v:d /p:VisualStudioVersion=11.0;Configuration=Release...
View ArticleIntel Software Manager crashes
I'm using Parallel Studio 2015 on an Ubuntu 14.04 machine. It worked fine for about one month, then the ISM crashed during an update. When I try to open it I get now:./ism Intel(R) Software Manager...
View Articleinternal error: assertion failed at: "shared/cfe/edgcpfe/expr.c", line 3653
Trying to evaluate Intel Compiler 15, but I can't get it to compile our C++11 code base. I've worked around some other problems (both compile find with g++-4.8 and clang++-3.5), but I having a harder...
View ArticleDownload "Intel® C++ Composer XE 2011 x64 for Windows"
Hi,is it possilbe to get the Intel® C++ Composer XE 2011 x64 for Windows?We have a Licencekey, but we are not finding the Setup.exe.We are not able to download the installer @...
View ArticleDebugging Issues related to O3 Flag
I have a code that runs about 40% faster with the O3 flag on compared to O2 flag.But recently I have started noticing some errors (non-physical results) in the code compiled with O3 flag.I would like...
View ArticleDoes the Intel C++ compiler run stand alone?
Does the Intel compiler run stand alone or do I need to have Visual C++ or something else also installed to build a command line application?Thanks,Rich
View ArticlePGO/IPO confusion, and some other questions.
Hi all! I've been using the Intel Compiler for a while now, and the runtime performance increase is pretty satisfactory.Despite this I still have some questions which need some better explanation...
View Article_mm256_alignr_epi8 documentation lists possibly-incorrect AVX2 instruction
The documentation for the AVX2 intrinsic _mm256_shuffle_epi8 in the User and Reference Guide for the Intel C++ Compiler 15.0 states that the corresponding AVX2 intrinsic is...
View Article__builtin_LINE(), __builtin_FUNCTION(), __builtin_FILE() GCC builtins
Log4cplus, the library I maintain, uses __builtin_LINE(), __builtin_FUNCTION(), __builtin_FILE() builtins ([1]) when they are available. The availability is detected by version check against GCC 4.8...
View ArticleUnable to install c++ eclipse extension 2015
Hello,I am trying to install intel C++ compiler 15 plugin into eclipse. I followed instalation instruction in fact in past...
View Article32-bit libraries needed to install C++ compiler on Linux
HelloWhile installing ICC on a Debian linux system, I see this message:Step 5 of 7 | Prerequisites > Missing Optional Prerequisite...
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