The debug operations do not map to any compiler intrinsics for MMX™ instructions. They are provided for debugging programs only. Use of these operations may result in loss of performance, so you should not use them outside of debugging.
The four 32-bit values of A
are placed in the output buffer and printed in the following format (default in decimal):
cout << Is32vec4 A;
cout << Iu32vec4 A;
cout << hex << Iu32vec4 A; /* print in hex format */
"[3]:A3 [2]:A2 [1]:A1 [0]:A0"
Corresponding Intrinsics: none
The two 32-bit values of A
are placed in the output buffer and printed in the following format (default in decimal):
cout << Is32vec2 A;
cout << Iu32vec2 A;
cout << hex << Iu32vec2 A; /* print in hex format */
"[1]:A1 [0]:A0"
Corresponding Intrinsics: none
The eight 16-bit values of A
are placed in the output buffer and printed in the following format (default in decimal):
cout << Is16vec8 A;
cout << Iu16vec8 A;
cout << hex << Iu16vec8 A; /* print in hex format */
"[7]:A7 [6]:A6 [5]:A5 [4]:A4 [3]:A3 [2]:A2 [1]:A1 [0]:A0"
Corresponding Intrinsics: none
The four 16-bit values of A
are placed in the output buffer and printed in the following format (default in decimal):
cout << Is16vec4 A;
cout << Iu16vec4 A;
cout << hex << Iu16vec4 A; /* print in hex format */
"[3]:A3 [2]:A2 [1]:A1 [0]:A0"
Corresponding Intrinsics: none
The sixteen 8-bit values of A
are placed in the output buffer and printed in the following format (default is decimal):
cout << Is8vec16 A; cout << Iu8vec16 A; cout << hex << Iu8vec8 A;
/* print in hex format instead of decimal*/
"[15]:A15 [14]:A14 [13]:A13 [12]:A12 [11]:A11 [10]:A10 [9]:A9 [8]:A8 [7]:A7 [6]:A6 [5]:A5 [4]:A4 [3]:A3 [2]:A2 [1]:A1 [0]:A0"
Corresponding Intrinsics: none
The eight 8-bit values of A
are placed in the output buffer and printed in the following format (default is decimal):
cout << Is8vec8 A; cout << Iu8vec8 A;cout << hex << Iu8vec8 A;
/* print in hex format instead of decimal*/
"[7]:A7 [6]:A6 [5]:A5 [4]:A4 [3]:A3 [2]:A2 [1]:A1 [0]:A0"
Corresponding Intrinsics: none
Element Access Operators
int R = Is64vec2 A[i];
unsigned int R = Iu64vec2 A[i];
int R = Is32vec4 A[i];
unsigned int R = Iu32vec4 A[i];
int R = Is32vec2 A[i];
unsigned int R = Iu32vec2 A[i];
short R = Is16vec8 A[i];
unsigned short R = Iu16vec8 A[i];
short R = Is16vec4 A[i];
unsigned short R = Iu16vec4 A[i];
signed char R = Is8vec16 A[i];
unsigned char R = Iu8vec16 A[i];
signed char R = Is8vec8 A[i];
unsigned char R = Iu8vec8 A[i];
Access and read element i
of A
. If DEBUG is enabled and the user tries to access an element outside of A
, a diagnostic message is printed and the program aborts.
Corresponding Intrinsics: none
Element Assignment Operators
Is64vec2 A[i] = int R;
Is32vec4 A[i] = int R;
Iu32vec4 A[i] = unsigned int R;
Is32vec2 A[i] = int R;
Iu32vec2 A[i] = unsigned int R;
Is16vec8 A[i] = short R;
Iu16vec8 A[i] = unsigned short R;
Is16vec4 A[i] = short R;
Iu16vec4 A[i] = unsigned short R;
Is8vec16 A[i] = signed char R;
Iu8vec16 A[i] = unsigned char R;
Is8vec8 A[i] = signed char R;
Iu8vec8 A[i] = unsigned char R;
Assign R
to element i of A
is enabled and the user tries to assign a value to an element outside of A
, a diagnostic message is printed and the program aborts.
Corresponding Intrinsics: none