The compiler for Intel® System Studio (ISS) is based on the standard Intel® C++ Compiler version 15.0. However, not all 15.0 features and options described in the standard compiler documentation are supported by the compiler in ISS.
The Intel® C++ Compiler for Intel® System Studio does not support the following features implemented in the standard Intel® C++ Compiler 15.0:
Intel® Many Integrated Core architecture (Intel® MIC architecture)
Static Analysis
Native Linux thread local storage
Xcode* IDE integration
Intel® Graphics Technology is not supported on Android targets.
Although Profile Guided Optimization (PGO) and Intel® Cilk™ Plus features are supported by the Intel® Compiler for ISS, they work differently on Android* systems. See for details.
Although Microsoft* Visual Studio* and Eclipse* IDEs are supported by the Intel® Compiler for ISS, their integration and usage differs significantly from the standard compiler integration and usage as described in the core documentation.
For latest information on feature support, refer to the Release Notes provided with the Intel® System Studio product.