The following program doesn't compile with icpc version 15.0.1 but compiles fine with clang++ 3.5 and g++ 4.9.2:
#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>template<class K>
class Bar {
typedef K type;
};template<class K>
class Foo {
static constexpr const char* const foobar = std::is_same<K, typename Bar<K>::type>::value ? "yo" : "lo";
Searching for a workaround on the web, it looks like the following bug is still present with icpc version 15.0.1: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22540153/intel-icpc-constexpr (compiles fine with clang++ 3.5 and g++ 4.9.2).
Could you please confirm that you can reproduce both bugs ? If so, could you figure out a work around please ?
Thank you for looking.