When installing, I get msg regarding lack of x64 VS2012. I am installing on a system with fresh VS2013 update 4 + CUDA. Unfortunately, I cannot compile anything. I get this, even with a brand new solution.
C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\V120\Platforms\x64\PlatformToolsets\v120\ImportBefore\Intel.Libs.IPP.v120.targets(41,32): A numeric comparison was attempted on "$(IPPMajorVersion)" that evaluates to "" instead of a number, in condition "$(IPPMajorVersion) > 7 AND ('%(RuntimeLibrary)' == 'MultiThreadedDLL' OR '%(RuntimeLibrary)' == 'MultiThreadedDebugDLL') AND '%(OpenMPSupport)' == 'true'".
I initially installed XE 2015 Pro update 1. Then I reverted back using windows restore points and installed 2015 release from 2gb download. I get the same result. I just bought the software and cannot use it because something deeply wrong is happening with intel's installation.I could use it for a short time but then I started getting these errors. If I change to Intel C++ with the errors I cannot change back again and VS starts crashing.
Can someone recommend a good combination of VS201X and XE compiler that works rock solid? Frankly, I bought the software because I need all the optimization I can get but I'm appalled by a seemingly poor job of testing of deployment, judging by what I read in the forum.