Intel C++ 15.0 (Update 1) is spitting out many vectorization remarks of this form:
remark: loops in this subroutine are not good vectorization candidates (try compiling with O3 and/or IPO)
when I do builds for profiling with these options:
icl /nologo /Qstd=c++11 /Qcxx-features /Wall /Wp64 /Qdiag-disable:177,869,1786,2259,3280,10382,11074,11075 /QxHOST /DNOMINMAX /DWIN3
2_LEAN_AND_MEAN /DNDEBUG /Qansi-alias /O3 /fp:fast /Qprec-div- /Qip /Z7 /c /object:myfile.obj
There are a number of problems with this:
- The remark has no diagnostic number so I can't suppress it
- I am compiling with /O3
- This is C++ so it doesn't have "subroutines" ;-)
Does anyone know how to suppress these? Is this something Intel needs to fix?