Start from Microsoft Visual Studio*
The product integrates into the following versions of the Microsoft Visual Studio* Integrated Development Environment (IDE):
Microsoft Visual Studio 2013*
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012*
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010*
If you need a brief introduction to using Microsoft Visual Studio*, refer to the Getting Started section of the User and Reference Guide for the Intel® C++ Compiler.
To use the Intel® C++ Compiler do the following:
Launch Microsoft Visual Studio*.
Open an existing project or solution.
Choose Project> Intel Compiler 15.0> Use Intel C++.
Click OK in the Confirmation dialog box. This configures the solution to use the Intel® C++ Compiler. Visual Studio 2010: you can use Project > Properties General > Platform Toolset to select the Intel® C++ Compiler. This method is equivalent to using the Use Intel C++ menu item except you can make the selection in individual build configurations.)
Choose Build> Rebuild Solution.
The results of the compilation display in the Output window.
Setting Intel® C++ Compiler Options
Choose Project > Properties. The Property Page for your solution display.
Locate C/C++ in the list and expand the heading.
Step through the available properties to select your configuration.
Start from the Command Line
Follow these steps to invoke the Intel® C++ Compiler from the command line:
Open a command prompt.
Windows 8
From the Start screen, swipe up from the bottom edge or click the arrow to move to the Apps screen.
In the Apps screen, scroll to the right until you see the Intel System Studio 2015 group.
Click IA-32 Visual Studio mode or Intel 64 Visual Studio mode to open a command window on the Desktop.
Other versions of Windows*
Click the appropriate mode from Start > All Programs> Intel System Studio 2015 > Compiler and Performance Libraries > Command prompt with Intel Compilers.
Invoke the compiler as follows:
icl [options... ] inputfile(s) [/link link_options]
Use the command
icl /help
to display all available compiler options.
Find the Documentation
You can find documentation and samples using the information in this list:
Read the User and Reference Guide for the Intel® C++ Compiler for Intel® System Studio 2015 for information specific to the compiler packaged with Intel® System Studio
Read the User and Reference Guide for the Intel® C++ Compiler 15.0 to learn how to compile and optimize your application by using optimization tools and other libraries
Read the Release Notes for the most up-to-date information about the product: known issues and limitations, system requirements for installing the product, technical support