Dear Experts in OpenMP and Intel C 14.x ,
Until version 13.x of Intel C I had the following code :
static int fobj_offset(int m, double *a, double *fun)
int n = npivot;
double *p = ppivot;
int i;
double cen[3*n];
double x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0;
double err=0.0;
Tool_Point_Offset[0] = a[0];
Tool_Point_Offset[1] = a[1];
Tool_Point_Offset[2] = a[2];
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+ : x,y,z) num_threads (2)
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
ComputeToolPoint(&p[8*i+0], &p[8*i+3], &cen[3*i]);
x += cen[3*i + 0];
y += cen[3*i + 1];
z += cen[3*i + 2];
x = x/n;
y = y/n;
z = z/n;
Every thing was fime. Tool_Point_Offset[] is a static (local) double array with 4 elements, only 3 are used. The values of Tool_Point_Offset are invariant for the whole for duration. The values of Tool_Point_Offset[] are used inside ComputeToolPoint(), but are not modified.
Starting with version of the compiler I had to change into :
static int fobj_offset(int m, double *a, double *fun)
int n = npivot;
double *p = ppivot;
int i;
double cen[3*n];
double x=0.0,y=0.0,z=0.0;
double err=0.0;
#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+ : x,y,z) num_threads (2)
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
Tool_Point_Offset[0] = a[0];
Tool_Point_Offset[1] = a[1];
Tool_Point_Offset[2] = a[2];
ComputeToolPoint(&p[8*i+0], &p[8*i+3], &cen[3*i]);
x += cen[3*i + 0];
y += cen[3*i + 1];
z += cen[3*i + 2];
x = x/n;
y = y/n;
z = z/n;
I do not understand why this is needed. I started thinking that Tool_Point_Offset was modified inside ComputeToolPoint(), not only used its values, by mistake. So I printed before and after the loop, but no, it is invariant.
The new arranged code is working fine again, but for me there is not need to move the Tool_Point_Offset initialization into the loop.
Please any clarification for me ? Thanks.