Hi everyone,
Got error while building MPFR library (mpfr.org) using Intel C++ Compiler.
Used stuff:
- Windows 10,
- Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 with integrated Intel Parallel Studio XE 2016 Update 1,
- MPIR-2.7.2 sources (http://mpir.org/mpir-2.7.2.zip),
- MPFR-3.2.0-dev-9769 sources (svn://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/mpfr/trunk),
- 'MPFR with Visual Studio 2015' solution (https://github.com/BrianGladman/mpfr).
The easiest way to reproduce this error is through 'MPFR with Visual Studio 2015' solution using Visual Studio with integrated Intel Parallel Studio (pre-compiled MPIR binaries also needed). While building Release Configuration got:
'error #10298: problem during post processing of parallel object compilation'
'error : 04010002_15114'
It inherent to all <shared,static>+<x86,x64> configurations, if were used optimization keys: Minimize Size (-O1), Maximize Speed (-O2), Highest Optimization (-O3), Full Optimization (-Ox). The only optimization key which allow to successfully build MPFR using Intel Compiler is [Optimization] Disabled (-Od) (Visual Studio build logs added in attachment).
- error inherent to bundle Windows 7 + Visual Studio 2013 + Intel Parallel Studio XE 2015 too,
- there is no troubles to build MPFR using 'MPFR with Visual Studio 2015' solution using *Microsoft* Compiler with optimization key Full Optimization (-Ox),
- while using Visual Studio it appears only for builds of MPFR shared and static libraries directly (projects 'dll_mpfr' and ''lib_mpfr'); it does not appear for builds of MPFR 'lib_tests' library, all tests, 'tuneup' utility for <x86,x64>+<shared,static> configurations,
- while using Visual Studio it does not appear for builds of all MPIR projects, including shared and static libraries,
- after disabling Multi-processor Compilation (as recommended by Jim Dempsey), 'error #10298..." gone, while '04010002_15114' still remains,
UPDATE1: - 'Floating Point Model' set (/fp:strict), 'Interprocedural Optimization' set (No) for all tests above.
For testing purposes MPFR was build without Visual Studio using Intel Compiler 16.0 Update 1 with MSYS2. With key '-Ox' MPFR build using Intel Compiler finished with same error:
'C:\libMPFR-3.2.0-dev-9769\src\src\exceptions.c(285) (col. 16): internal error: 04010002_15114'
and *any* additional information. But with key '-Od' all shared and static builds finished successfully (logs added in attachment).
- while using command line with key '-Ox', 'error: 04010002_15114' appeared in the first compilation unit for builds of MPFR shared and static libraries,
- the source of troubles is *not* 'MPFR with Visual Studio 2015' solution, because same errors appeared while using MSYS2,
MPFR developers have come to the conclusion that error described above is a bug in the Intel C++ Compiler. If so, how could it be fixed?