I try compiling my code as follows, using icc v 15.0.1.
icc -std=gnu99 -openmp -c foo.c
but I get these errors
error: "k" can only appear on one data scope attribute clause in an OpenMP pragma (except firstprivate and lastprivate)
#pragma omp parallel for
error: "X1" can only appear on one data scope attribute clause in an OpenMP pragma (except firstprivate and lastprivate)
#pragma omp parallel for
#pragma omp parallel for
for ( size_t k = 0; k < Nseg; ++k ) {
#pragma omp parallel for
for ( size_t X1 = 0; X1 < numDet; ++X1 ) {
#pragma omp parallel for
for ( size_t n = 0; n < intN[k][X1]; ++n ) {
InputOutputInfo *io = &intInOut[k][X1][n];
gsl_function integrand;
integrand.params = (void*)&( io->par );
int stat;
double res, abserr;
const double scale1 = GET_COORD_SCALE(io->par.coordSys, io->par.coord1);
const double scale2 = GET_COORD_SCALE(io->par.coordSys, io->par.coord2);
const double scale12 = scale1 * scale2;
/* compute <phi_i phi_j> */
integrand.function = &CW_am1_am2_Phi_i_Phi_j;
stat = gsl_integration_qag (&integrand, io->ti, io->tf, epsabs, epsrel, limit, GSL_II
NTEG_GAUSS61, io->wksp, &res, &abserr);
if ( stat != 0 ) {
XLALPrintWarning ( "\n%s: GSL-integration 'gsl_integration_qag()' of <Phi_i Phi_j>>
did not reach requested precision!\n", __func__ );
XLALPrintWarning ( "xlalErrno=%i, seg=%zu, av_ij_n=%g, abserr=%g\n", io->par.errnuu
m, n, res, abserr );
io->av_ij = GSL_NAN;
} else {
io->av_ij = scale12 * res;
io->av_ij_err_sq = SQUARE( scale12 * abserr);
/* compute <phi_i> */
integrand.function = &CW_Phi_i;
io->par.coord = io->par.coord2;
stat = gsl_integration_qag (&integrand, io->ti, io->tf, epsabs, epsrel, limit, GSL_II
NTEG_GAUSS61, io->wksp, &res, &abserr);
if ( stat != 0 ) {
XLALPrintWarning ( "\n%s: GSL-integration 'gsl_integration_qag()' of <Phi_j> did nn
ot reach requested precision!\n", __func__ );
XLALPrintWarning ( "xlalErrno=%i, seg=%zu, av_j_n=%g, abserr=%g\n", io->par.errnumm
, n, res, abserr );
io->av_j = GSL_NAN;
} else {
io->av_j = scale2 * res;
io->av_j_err_sq = SQUARE( scale2 * abserr);
} /* for n < intN */
} // for X1 < numDet
} // for k < Nseg
I'd appreciate assistance on how to keep the code accepting -std=gnu99 on the build line, yet make the
source modifications necessary. Adding private and shared clauses has just led to different compilation errors.