Here i will give you the brief explanation what i have done till date
Firstly i have used VMPlayer in my Windows latest and then i have installed Debian Mint
Then i have downloaded the SAFECode 3.2 V sources from the ( and then i have started the building the SAFECode compiler
Now Then i have used the command sequences what i have sent you yesterday and then i have got the compiler build and also used the Test code which is present in ( sample debugging code and then i have got the Error Report as it is in the page and i will also give the screen short of that in the attachments and i will also send you the command line which i have used to compile the test code
Now with this work done then i have installed the Cygwin Tool in my Windows machine with the Required packages in it and then used the same Sources the SAFECode 3.2 V which i have used in Debian made some changes in the source files to compile s then i have got the Error Report but it is Partially done you can see in the attachments. Since for this reason only i have asked for the Latest Version of SAFECode which will have the ( SAFECode/tools/Clang is integrated and included ) so i may be able to build the compiler Fully and get the Full error report as it is generated in Debian.Download
I need your help to Compile The SAFECode 3.2V Compiler to be Build in Windows OS