i am using the routine tqli from the book Numerical Recipes (www.physics.sdsu.edu/~johnson/phys580/tqli.c) since several years without any problems on different processors and different compilers. I have a new computer with i7-4790K.
Now this routine hangs somtimes. With same input values sometime it works and sometimes it hangs in an infinite loop.(the while lopp nerver ends)
The code is compiled with intel c++ compiler v14 but it also happens with the newest v15.
This are compiler options: /Zi /nologo /W1 /MP /O3 /Ot /EHsc /MD /Zp16 /GS- /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Qopenmp /Qstd=c++11
I have replaced tqli with dsteqr from MKL. But this routine also sometimes works and somtimes fails.(with same input datas)
dstevd from MKL works fine. I do not have any problems yet.
Any idea what causes the problems on a i7-4790? The computer is not overclocked.All components of the computer(includeding RAM) are tested and work fine.
Many thanks,