I've made a DLL while I compile with /Qipo (Intel C++ Composer XE2015). If I call the constructor and destructor of the main class in it, the memory doesn't get released and after a few calls (32 bit mode) I'm out of memory. However, if I disable /Qipo, there doesn't seem to be a problem at all (I will run it for a longer period tonight, but I let it construct and deconstruct 1024 times earlier tonight and I didn't notice an increase in memory usage).
If I use /Qip mode, the leak is 8 MB per call. With /Qipo it's about 300 MB.
I have checked a .EXE version of my software with Inspector XE2015 and it doesn't report any leaks, and neither does the debugger.
Any clues to help me find the cause are helpful. If I have a memory leak somewhere in my code, could that somehow cause - when using IPO - the whole memory to leak???