The (simplified) code:
#include <iostream> #include <type_traits> using std::integral_constant; template <int NUM> struct Cl_Iterate { template <typename FUNC> static void Do (FUNC f) { Cl_Iterate<NUM-1>::Do(f); f(integral_constant<int, NUM>()); } }; template <> struct Cl_Iterate<0> { template <typename FUNC> static void Do (FUNC f) { f(integral_constant<int,0>()); } }; template <int NUM, typename FUNC> void Iterate (FUNC f) { Cl_Iterate<NUM-1>::Do(f); } constexpr int N = 3; // Breaks compiler: // internal error: assertion failed at: "shared/cfe/edgcpfe/expr.c", line 31532 int g() { int ii=0; Iterate<N> ( [&] (auto i) { Iterate<1+i()> ( [&] (auto j ) { ii++; }); }); } // Works int f() { int ii=0; Iterate<N> ( [&] (auto i) { int & kk = ii; Iterate<1+i()> ( [&] ( auto j ) { kk++; }); }); } // Works int h() { int ii=0; auto lambda = [&] ( auto j ) { ii++; }; Iterate<N> ( [&] (auto i) { Iterate<1+i()> ( lambda ); }); }
Note that in the original code a different assertion fails and a workaround as in g() and h() does not help.
I attached the preprocessed file from the original code, compile it with
icpc -openmp -std=c++1y -c l2hofe_preprocessed.cpp -o l2hofe.o
The assertion produced by the original code:
internal error: assertion failed at: "shared/cfe/edgcpfe/scope_stk.c", line 2025
icpc --version gives:
icpc (ICC) 16.0.0 20150501
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I hope you can sort this out for the next (beta) update. We are eager to use this kind of 2 dimensional compile-time loop generation.
Matthias Hochsteger